Friday, May 14, 2010

Welcome to Living A Fibrotastic Life :-)

I can't even remember where and when the fibro monster caught me. Just like most people who are living with fybromyalgia, I spent many years going from doctor to doctor, undergoing test after test - all very expensive and not particularly illuminating. Then one day, I was sent to yet another specialist by my primary care doctor. He put it all together and gave my ever growing list of bewildering symptoms a name. Fibromyalgia.

Now, I never thought that I would decide to keep a blog about anything - much less about the disease I am living with. So why write about Fibromyalgia instead of adopting internationally, or acting,directing, producing, running a small not for profit arts organization - or any of the other things that fill my life?  Because I am now trying to be all, do all, live all of those facets of my life - with an invisible, misunderstood, debilitating disease - Fibromyalgia.

I hope that sharing my life with fibromyalgia on this blog, will be helpful for others who struggle to live their lives with this disease. I hope you will feel less alone. I also hope that it will offer insight into the disease to those who love, work with, care for, someone with fibromyalgia.

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